Rain and snow will start to build up on fields, roads, and houses all throughout Pennsylvania. This reveals a crucial issue that may prevent your home from being safe and cozy in the cold. Damage to your windows, internal or external, may allow cold air, bugs, and other junk into your home. That’s why we gathered these tips for inspecting your windows so you can check for issues yourself.
Autumn is a little past due when you should check for damages, but it is never too late. Perform this test from the inside of your house which will let you see if air is making its way past inside. First, grab a lighter, candle, or any other object that can provide a small, visible flame. Then, hold it near your window and watch the flame. Any airflow will cause the flame to bend, so watch for places where the flame consistently bends towards you. Try it for a few minutes and travel around the sides of your window with the flame. Be cautious when conducting the test.
Another big issue is the pests trying to find somewhere warm to chill out. Keep an eye out for where areas they may start showing up. If you start seeing them appear in a specific corner of the room, check it out.
Not only could the window itself be the problem, but also other insignificant materials such as the caulk or screen could be damaged. Make sure to give them a look while you’re at your inspection. You may not only lose energy and warmth due to the damaged windows, but also the damage could build up over time and cause more issues in the end. Having a faulty window during the snowfall will not be pleasant to deal with!
If you, unfortunately, do find a matter concerning your windows, contact Window Mania for support. In the worst case, it could be needing a new replacement, not just new caulk or a new screen.
Window Mania is a full service window installer and door installation provider. We help many home owners with replacement windows, new windows installation, door replacement, and door installation. We work with families and businesses in and around Collegeville, PA, Pottstown, PA, Exeter Township, PA, and Allentown, PA.